Check Your Costa Rica Property Title | Part 2

costa rica registro infographic

This post is about how to check your Costa Rica property title using the web site of the National Registry for Costa Rica. If you have not yet registered for the Registry please do so before going further here. If you don't know how to fill out the registration form please see "How To Check A Property Title At the Costa Rica Registro Nacional".

So once you have signed in to the web site for the Registro Nacional, what you want to do is choose Systema de Certificaciones y Consultas Gratuitas by clicking on that button.

Once you are on the next page you'll see something like this:

Checking a property at the Registro Nacional

Checking a property at the Registro Nacional web site for Costa Rica

If you know the finca number choose the first highlighted link in the picture above, and if you only know the name of the corporation choose the link highlighted above at the bottom of the infographic.

When you choose Consulta por Número de Finca, you will see this:

check title in  Costa Rica by finca numberIn the example above let's say the Finca # is 34567 and the property is in Alajuela county.

So in the above form you will use the first drop down where it says
"1- San Jose" and choose "2- Alajuela".

In the next box where it says Finca put the finca # "34567" (without quotes).

You can leave the next 2 boxes blank.

Then, below, solve the mathematical problem. Sometimes it makes no sense, and if that is the case just hold down Control and type R to Refresh the page and it will give you a new math problem. You may have to re-enter the information you just entered though.

Then click the CONSULTAR button and you will be taken to the page for the property # you have entered in the form. 


Now wasn't that easy??

In this example of 34567 which I randomly chose, you get a page that looks like this:

check your costa rica property title and you see this

title of property at registro nacional

It works the same for entering the Name of a Corporation. Just go to the link at the bottom of the list: Consulta de Personas por Nombre and type in the name of the corporation, solve the math problem and click the CONSULTAR button.

Now if you know the Number of the corporation the property is held in you can also go to  and in the drop down list where it says  Seleccione el Tipo de Búsqueda, choose Persona Juridica and then enter the number. It will then show you all the properties owned by that corporation. This is yet another easy way to check your Costa Rica property title!

I hope this has helped you check your property title.

If it has not please write me at the Contact page and explain where it went wrong and I will do my best to fix it. If my page on CHECK YOUR COSTA RICA PROPERTY TITLE - PART 2 did help you, please SHARE this page on Facebook, Twitter or Google Plus, Digg, StumbleUpon or etc!