Photo Gallery of Lot 2 At Rancho Silencio San Ramon Costa Rica

This is a gallery of Lot 2 at Rancho Silencio near San Ramon in Costa Rica.
See below or the MENU at top for the links to the photo galleries of the other lots and the other galleries such as the Sunset Gallery.

Map of lots for sale at Rancho Silencio, San Ramon Costa Ricalot for sale San Ramon Central Valley Costa Rica


Lot 2 is a beautiful lot which includes not only the same great view of the ocean and mountains as the other lots but also an orchard with lemons, oranges, avocado, mango, bananas, nopales, guayaba and other fruit trees!

It has a very large area for as big a house as you want, a pool, a garden, a gazebo or whatever you have been dreaming of having!

Its sunset views will astound and amaze you and it's different every single evening! You can see the lights of Esparza in the distance below and of course the islands out in the Gulf of Nicoya!

It's an idea spot for nature lovers and your friends will long to come sit on your porch to have a glass of wine or coffee with and enjoy the sunset!

You will see toucans, parrots, hummingbirds, hawks and other natural wonders. We've seen weasels and even wild pigs come through here on occasion! Nothing that you need to worry about!

This is an incredible lot, in fact it was the first one that I saw when I bought the property that made me immediately say "I want to buy this!"

It has many trees and some of the fruit trees will be ready to harvest this year! It even has a small waterfall in the rainy season and you can hear the water running through the small creek.

It is nearly 1.8 acres, has some of the most amazing views you'll see anywhere in the world, and the price is only $70,000 U.S.!

Ready to find out more?

Drop us a line today with any questions you may have or set up a phone call!